...means two days on the bike!After our April snow on Tuesday, the weather started to behave a little better. It stayed cool until the weekend, so my exercise during the week was limited to walking. The weekend dawned sunny and warmer though, and my bikes were crying out for a ride. Saturday was in the 50s, but today the temperature got up over 70! What a treat! Even yesterday's ride, which required knee warmers and a long underwear tank under my biking jersey, was a pleasure. It is so nice to be riding unencumbered by extra clothing.
My ride distances? 32 miles on Saturday, topped off by 38 miles today. I have to admit that today my body wanted to stop a lot earlier than my mind did; 38 miles was a bit of a compromise. That was quite a jump from my previous high mileage day for the season at 26 miles, so I guess I shouldn't complain.
Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, and I'm really tempted to ride to work, but I know that wouldn't be smart at this point in time. I have to admit I was pretty tired after my ride today. I still need to work to increase my endurance. While I am capable of pulling off the round trip bike ride, I believe that doing the ride and sandwiching a full day's work in the middle would be hard. Soon, I hope...
In the meantime, I've been trying to get to the office by 7:30. That allows me to leave - without feeling guilty - by 4:30. That's just before the traffic builds, so I can get home quickly and get a ride in at the end of the day. Do you get the feeling that I think springtime = riding?