Sunday, November 13, 2005

Two very different days

Ah, a weekend for riding - the weather wizard is cooperating. It was a weekend of two dry but very different days. Saturday was sunny, a smiling kind of day - but with relatively cool temperatures. It was very cold when I woke up, but in the mid-40s for my ride. Sunday was warmer, but the high 50 to low 60s temperatures were accompanied by strong winds and sometimes overcast skies. I surprised myself this weekend by preferring Saturday's weather. Cooler was a small price to pay for no winds and sunshine!

This looked like a piece of original art-work tacked to a tree. It's more likely that it's a copy, of course - but it looks like a good plea from the animal world to maintain some open space.

A quiet road, leafless trees, it's fall...

I was fascinated by the reflections of trees along with floating leaves.