Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A weekend for visiting

Thanksgiving weekend was a welcome change of (working) pace, and the base for a good visit with my family. As usual, I took an extra day off to avoid airport craziness at the beginning of the holiday weekend; flying early Wednesday morning and early Sunday morning did the trick for me.

It was a good weekend of visiting, and a few crazy days of trying to get good photos of Bailey - the dachshund who is sure he is in charge of the house.

Puppy love! (Yes, I know, Bailey's really not a puppy, but the statement is fitting, isn't it?

Mirror & dog... it was fun but almost impossible to try to get a reflection photo of Bailey. He doesn't do a very good job of standing still, and do you have any idea how hard it is to get photos of a dog who is mainly black in color?

Family photos from the weekend can be found at

Pictures of Bailey (the crazy dachshund) and Coco (the cat that runs my sister's house) can be found at