Sunday, July 24, 2005

Camera & bicycle, companions for the weekend

It turned out to be a beautiful weekend for wandering on my bike, sunny, reasonably warm, and much less humid. I managed to get in a 40 mile ride on Saturday and a 41 mile ride on Sunday, and they were really just wandering rides. I didn't have a destination in mind, but I did have a camera with me. Sometimes I carry a camera and take few pictures, but this time the normal sights of the area just jumped out at me. Time to wander & take pictures...

A beautiful purple blossom, a perfect match to my bike!

It's funny, I've ridden down this road many times, and I've never had a side-of-the-road conversation with any cattle before. Hey cow 406, how's your day going?

This owl wizard was clearly guarding the house...

This horse & pony were enjoying their feast of grass. They were on the lawn of the house where I assume that they live; I guess no one there needs to cut the grass!

You're right - that's me, riding down the road...