Thursday, December 01, 2005

The annual voyage of the sun...

...counting the days until it reverses direction

The shortest day of the year is only three weeks away, and I'm counting the days until it is here and gone. And yes, I really do know that longer days come in increments of minutes, and that it will take quite a while before it is noticeable. But as far as I'm concerned, the days will be moving back in the right direction.

I clearly need to retrain myself; it's so hard to use those dark before-work hours to start my day with exercise. In the summer I have no problem getting up early enough, but this time of year it's a battle. I have been trying to get in a short walk mid-day, with my longer workout time in the (dark) early evening. But I keep thinking that morning exercise would be a good greeting for the day. That's my new goal!