Sunday, October 23, 2005

Change of season musings

Tell me, why does a 50 degree day in the spring feel warm while the same temperature day in the fall feels cool? Is it wishful thinking, or is it because in the spring I'm looking forward to the next seasonal temperature change?

The past week was a good walking week, and a not so good biking week. I managed at least one and a half hours on my feet the days that I walked - all but Friday, which was a rest day for me, and Saturday, which was a biking day. I still need to get myself back to the gym on a regular basis; my goal is to try to maintain a level of 90 minutes of aerobic exercise most days, plus some weight workouts too.

The threat of an imminent cold rain canceled my Saturday riding plans, but I still managed a dry close-to-home ride. I think I was wearing the right layers for the temperature, but it was hard to get started. If I wore enough clothes to be comfortable at the start of my ride I would have been soaking wet from sweat by the time I returned home.

I find it much easier to get the right amount of exercise when I can ride my bike outside. Somehow indoor workouts just aren't as satisfying, and the time certainly doesn't seem to go by as fast. And yes, you're right - I need to stop complaining about the change of seasons and get used to the colder temperatures. After all, there is more and much deeper cold on the way before I get my choice of weather back again!

There are trees with very few leaves remaining - but those that are there are beautifully colored...

...and very close by, there are trees with little or no change. A mixed up color season?