What a start to a post on a web forum! I occasionally search in Google for my own name to see where my journals and blog come up in the search. I did that today, and I saw an entry titled I was seduced by Denise Goldberg. I was definitely curious, and I just had to follow that link. I ended up in a discussion on bikeforums.net about folding bikes. The author went on to say
"Yes, Denise's excellent travel journals in "Crazyguyonabike" and the postings of many of you on this forum, seduced me into dropping $2500 on a Bike Friday. It arrived yesterday and all I can say is, "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU"!"Wow. I have to say that made me feel really good. I just love hearing that folks (other than my family and friends) find my writing to be useful and enjoyable.