Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Exercise... back on track!

...at least I think I'm heading in the right direction.

It's been a rough month from an exercise standpoint. That cold to sinus infection fun I had, plus cold and nasty slippery weather interrupted my winter training schedule. My goal for this week is to get back on track, and I think I'm on my way. Yesterday and today were good walking days - 95 minutes yesterday, and 80 today. My goal is to attempt to get some form of exercise at least twice a day. That can be two good walks, or it can be a walk and a session at the gym. And when I say walk, I mean fast walk, not a stroll. Of course what I really want to be doing is riding my bike, but the daylight on the edges of the workday just isn't there yet. Soon...

It looks like this tree attempted to greet spring a bit too early. It has what looks like flowers, but they are brown & dry. It will be interesting to watch it as the warm weather appears.

Yup, there's still snow out here - but at least this little stream isn't totally frozen. Hey weather wizard - that's enough!