What? A day without exercise? I came home from work thinking it was a day for walking, but then I faced up to how I was feeling. Tired! I have to keep telling myself that it's OK to have a day without exercise. Somehow I was substituting walking days for riding on those semi-tired days, and I don't really think that walking at a fairly fast pace for 60 to 90 minutes qualifies as resting. OK, I'll rest...
I looked back at my exercise log for last week and discovered that I had actually put in a week with decent riding mileage. My total for the week was 135 miles. (Uh oh, watch out - she's complaining again!) So why am I complaining? I had two decent 33 - 35 mile rides, and the other 4 day's rides were between 14 and 18 miles. Overall the mileage sounds decent, but my body's reaction to the miles isn't what I'd hoped for by now. A decent but chilly 35 mile ride on Monday felt good, but the 14 miles on Tuesday felt pretty bad. My rides on Thursday & Friday were good too - in the 18 mile range. Saturday was another decent ride of 33 miles. Sunday? I only pulled off 18 miles, and again I was pretty tired. I'm having a hard time accepting not being able to pull off multiple days in a row of semi-decent mileage. Again, I'm trying to plan a touring vacation, and I haven't yet come up with a tour that eases up on the mileage. I think I'm trying, but then I somehow go back to what I really want to do - and that is to once again pull off multiple days of riding with the daily miles under my wheels of around 50 miles.
OK, OK, today is a rest day - and it should also be an ease up on myself day! Tomorrow...