Three days, three states, and three rides... those were my unfulfilled plans for the weekend. A springtime nor'easter quashed my riding plans for Saturday and Sunday, but Monday was another story. I had intended to ride near home - in Massachusetts - on Saturday, and I had planned two rides along the coast - in New Hampshire & Maine - for Sunday & Monday. Obviously I didn't take the weather into account! I guess I thought that we'd already had enough wet weather, especially since this was the third weekend in a row of solid rain.
Saturday and Sunday were pretty much wash-out days. I had arranged to take the day off today, and I woke early fully thinking it would be raining and I'd trade today for a dry day later. No rain, although the sky was gray and the ground was wet. I decided to take a chance with the forecasted 20% chance of drizzle...
I headed to the New Hampshire coast to do an out and back ride. Luckily my cycling started by heading north, and finished by heading south. There was still quite a bit of wind left from the weekend storm, and it was blowing to the south. My ride out was definitely slowed. I was lucky and the wind direction held so on the ride back I had a bit of a wind assist. It was a cool day, starting in the high 40s and warming to the mid-50s. A bit of a chilly start, but once I got moving it was warm enough for riding. 35 miles in an out and back ride along the coast - and I felt good when I finished. That's a good sign.
Yes, the flags are really standing striaght out in the wind. Luckily the wind direction didn't switch on me, so the ride back was much easier than the ride out. |
The sea gulls didn't seem to be bothered by the wind... |
And the waves were pretty wild! |