I didn't trust the weather on Friday enough to bike in to work, but I did leave early enough for a late afternoon ride. That was my intent when I left the office, but somehow I just didn't feel full of energy when I arrived home, so I decided to walk instead. It turns out that was the best decision I could have made. I got a good hours worth of fast walking in, stopping every so often to snap a picture. And 10 minutes after I got home, the skies absolutely opened up. It was hard to believe how hard the rain was falling, and it was even harder to believe it when I could look outside and see patches of blue in the very gray sky. If I had ridden, I would still have been out, and my bike & I would have been soaked. I was very glad I decided not to ride...
Saturday and Sunday were both gray and cool days, although after I got home from riding Sunday afternoon the clouds finally cleared, and the sun and blue sky appeared. My rides were slightly shorter than I had planned - in the 30-mile range instead of the 40-mile range - but I think that's OK. I feel like I'm ready for my upcoming wander in Maine. I may ride tomorrow, but I'm going to try take a couple of rest days in preparation for close to a week of riding days.
This is a glimpse of the sky Friday evening just 5 minutes before I finished my walk, and 15 minutes before that absolute deluge. |