Monday, January 17, 2005

And the answer is...

Remember my Lifesaver discussion from last week? The saga continues!

The folks at Nabisco actually answered the email that Betsi sent them last week. They answered the email, but they didn't really answer the question about how they could include - in one package - Lifesavers with almost identical colors but different flavors. Here are Betsi's comments and suggestions:
There are several quality issues here. As lime is no longer available, the watermelon and green apple are both green...being someone who strongly dislikes the watermelon, how am I supposed to tell the difference? Perhaps some sort of flavor marking on the Lifesavers that go into the variety pack could be made, or perhaps a greater distinction among the colors.

I have to hand it to the Nabisco customer support folks for responding quickly - even though they really didn't answer her question. Here's their answer:
Consumers were asked to take part in a historic event in February 2003, where they were asked to vote for the new 5 Flavors collation. In just 12 weeks a record-breaking 2.2 MILLION votes poured in, voting in Cherry, Watermelon, Pineapple, Raspberry and Blackberry. Since the launch of the new 5-Flavor collation, we have received incredible consumer feedback asking to bring Orange back to the mix. Shipping began November 2003 for the NEW Life Saver 5-flavor mix with Orange! We listened again! NEW Life Savers 5 Flavors: Cherry, Watermelon, Pineapple, Raspberry, Orange.

Oh well - at least they sent a response. And I didn't really expect even that, let alone an explanation on how to tell the flavors by color!