You don't? Neither do I!
OK, I know it's winter - but there is a lot of that white stuff out there. It seems like we've already had more than our share for the season, and while I'd like to believe that will make the winter shorter I have a feeling that there is still not an end in sight. A combination of the 30+ inches that fell over the weekend with today's 4 to 6 additional inches and the small amounts that fell earlier in the month broke the record for the snowiest January in Boston. I certainly hope there are no more monthly snowfall records broken this season - enough is enough!
The view through the windshield on my drive to work this morning. This road is two lanes with a wide shoulder - although you certainly couldn't tell that this morning. And yes, I was stopped when I took this picture! |
The view along the side of route 125 in Andover. Just a little bit of snow, right? |
 | Here's a shot to give you an idea of how much snow it out there. This stop sign is outside of the garage at my office - and it's on a post that is pretty high. It doesn't look very high today does it? |