2004 definitely wasn't the year that I had planned. Don't get me wrong - it could have been much worse, so I can't say that it was a bad year - but I had plans that were left undone. Of course, since I didn't plan to flip my bike over and land on my head in the first place, it would be pretty silly of me to say that I don't plan a repeat of that incident. But I do have to believe that it won't happen again...
It's a sunny, windy day. It's the first day of my riding year, and I consider myself lucky that the temperature is conducive to riding. It's already hit 50 degrees so I'll be waking up a bike with fresh air in the tires very soon!
It's a new year, and it's definitely time to dream of my travels for the year. My goal is to be back in (what I consider to be) decent shape by the time spring rolls around so that I can get back to touring by bike. I'm considering using my unused 2004 plans for trips to Nova Scotia and to the Canadian Rockies, but I also know that these winter months are good for dreaming. Where will I travel this year? Only time will tell.
It's time to dream...